Monday, June 24, 2013

Big Goals

I don't know if anyone reads According to Kelly who also is reading this but if you aren't, you should. This lady is awesome. She juggles a lot and manages to run a 7:40 pace marathon. She definitely my running role model. After looking through my friend's Diva 1/2 marathon pictures and reading Kelly's blog, a 1/2 marathon is on my list. I'd like to do a few more 5k's and possibly a 10k before hand but honestly who says I have to? Kelly ran a half and full marathon without ever doing a 5k (she has done them since).

Why should I wait for the perfect race to come near me? I'm strong and if I train properly I can run 13 miles. Today starts my 12 week training. Whether or not an actual race falls on "race day" I don't know. I hope so. We'll see what I can find.

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