Monday, April 28, 2014

Run like a Diva

     Let me start off by saying Run like a Diva is one of the BEST RACES ever! As a woman, it was so empowering to be cheered on every step of the way. You get 13.1 style treatment even while running the 5k. Is it a happy coincidence because they are there for the half runners? Yes. Do I care? Not one bit. I think I cried once every mile. Jordan even asked "How long was your run" when I told him I cried 3 separate times. Not crazy crying just tearing up. I'll cry at a dog food commercial so this really isn't a stretch here. Women of all walks of life and every color, size and shape did their personal best for that day. It was beyond inspiring. Some people were running, others walking, and the best part is it didn't even matter. Everyone was proud of everyone.
     I ran with my cousins in love and my sister and had a blast. The only thing I didn't like about this race was the actual start. The finish and start were two separate areas. After walking past the finish and seeing no one huddled near it we knew we needed to keep going to figure out where we should be. This race was very clear that if you aren't here on time, you don't run. Around 6:58 we settled in with the MASSIVE group of runners and took a few pre race selfies. At 7:01 a half runner says "Oh the 5k has already started" WHOOPS. Queue mad dash from millions several others who didn't hear anything. It was like the running of the bulls. No lie. We pushed, "excused me", and shoved our way through until we reached the "parting of the sea" at the end when people finally moved over for fear of being trampled to death us to get through. I was pissed. Normally races decide your placing based on gun time or when they say "go" and not when you actually cross the start and finish. Luckily this race is awesome and goes by your official time. So I wish the would have asked halfers to move to either side while we made our way up. We were also pushing time so I'll let it slide ;)

Pre-Race selfie

      The first mile and a half was like an obstacle run for me. I was dodging slower runners and the occasional runner who slammed on the breaks when she saw a fireman to take a picture with. After that I hit my pace. I felt like I was barely on the ground. It was just one of those races where everything fell into place. My breathing was great and so was my stride. I couldn't have asked for a better run. The only what if's I have from this one is wishing I didn't have to bob and weave so long and thinking about how that might have changed my time a bit. Couldn't have done THAT much better though because I'm thrilled with how I did finishing 65 of over 1500 overall and 6th of 113 in my age group!

My sister Katie and Me
              Champagne Finish with Katie, Lindey and Rachel!                

      I can't tell you how proud I am of these girls! They seriously rocked their first 5k and I can't imagine not doing this with them. I will be there next year, I'm thinking I will be in the half marathon. If the 5k was that awesome I think I'd be blown away with the half. We will see!

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