Friday, April 4, 2014


         Since my half I've been really absent in the running world. I've only run two races since then and I have to say I've missed the feeling that came with lacing up everyday after work. A lot has changed since 2013 which has really affected my desire to hit the pavement. I won't say ability because I know that if you want to badly enough you WILL find a way. I've let life be an excuse...sort of, I'm still working out though so that counts right?
         For starters we moved! We had been living with my in-laws who are absolutely amazing. We lived there for a year. Most people never would have survived but we made it fun! When Jordan works now, I find myself thinking about how quiet it is. It's strange and I've had to acclimate myself to it all over again. I don't think I would have picked up running like I did if we never would have moved in with them. There are so many responsibilities with being a homeowner but when you move in with your parents, you don't have to worry about that (thanks Diana and Jed). We organized a nightly dinner duty and I only had to cook one night a week. It allowed me to come home, change and run wherever and for how ever long I wanted to AND be able to come home to food :)
        Apparently when we moved to Johnston county which apparently is the land of snow. Seriously what was up with this winter? I've seen more snow this year than I have my entire life it feels like. I went to college at UNCW then Jordan and I bought a house in Leland and saw zero accumulation of snow. Then came here and are the real life Frozen (Let it Goooooooooo).  You're welcome. Try to get that out of your head now.
        I did start up Jillian Michael's 30 day shred and now moved on to her Body Revolution which I love! It's not repetitive like the 30 day shred so I never remember what comes next. I'm half way through it now and I will probably turn around and do the 2nd and 3rd phases again when I finish; this is because I have a reoccurring issue of paying a gym and then never showing up :)
        Lifting weights has definitely changed my body but I can't even describe what running has done for my stress/mood/overall well being. Running let me release so much frustration and negative energy I had. There just something therapeutic about the rhythm.To be honest running allowed me to let go of things that I have no control over. I'm a self admitted control freak. I want to control every (within reason) aspect that I can. I like to plan, to have a head's up, last minute changes stress me out. Running helps ease that for me. I've set a goal for myself for the rest of the year: one race a month. Super excited about this! My next run is in Myrtle Beach with my sister in law, her mom, and cousins. So excited for this one!

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